Flood Control America - removable flood wall barriers

The Invisible Flood Control Wall (IFCW™) is a removable flood wall that is erected prior to a flood event. Once the flood recedes, the wall packs neatly away, leaving a riverfront view without obstruction. The Invisible Flood Control Wall is in extensive use, with over hundreds installations across the United States.

The IFCW™ has been analyzed and accepted for use by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and is installed on a half dozen Corps of Engineers projects. The IFCW™ meets all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers criteria for floodwalls, yet unlike traditional C.O.E. floodwall solutions, the Invisible Flood Control Wall™ keeps the beauty of the riverfront setting intact rather than blighting the area with a permanent concrete wall or earthen levee.

Flood Barriers

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